Artist Nevaeh Ryals

Nevaeh Ryals is a Visual Artist/Painter from Philadelphia, PA, with a BFA from The University of the Arts. She is a young woman who interacts with art works filled with details, vibrant colors, and continuous patterns. Her artistic path focuses on painting Black figures and portraits. From the very beginning, Black art was her inspiration whether it was in music, dance, theatre, etc. Her work revolves around Black empowerment in the figure. However, her main focus is capturing the beautiful vibrancy in Black culture. After witnessing the numerous amounts of Black historic buildings being demolished or forgotten, Nevaeh hopes to revive the memories that were once lost. Allowing the audience to witness that the Black communities carry valuable memories of Black history and help guide the next Black generation in finding identity. Pushing her art further, Nevaeh works in oil and acrylic paint, but also in mixed mediums such as image transfers, fabric, hair, and more. This is to accentuate what she wishes to present. She received a Certificate of Recognition from the Board of Directors of The Perkiomen Valley School District. She has one of her artworks permanently on display at Perkiomen Valley High School. Recently, she had her artwork displayed at Philadelphia International Airport as a featured artist for American Airlines' Juneteenth event. It is Nevaeh's goal to become a full-time artist in order to enrich the appreciation and broaden the knowledge of minority youth living in inner cities through her art.